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Saxinet -Northwind Instrument의 이상한 악기

캐나다 Northwind Instrument 악기 중 하나이다.

리코더 운지를 이용하고, 리드는 색소폰 알토리드를 사용한다.

자칭 클라리넷리드의 답답함을 벗어나 색소폰의 느낌으로 연주할 수있다고 하며, 포켓리드 악기 중 색소폰 리드를 사용하는 유일한 악기라고 하지만 물론 뻥이다.

벨의 형태가 한국의 태평소처럼 벌어져 있고 전체적인 길이가 짧아서 그런지 소리도 부드럽기 보다는 태평소처럼 가볍고 요란하다


재질은 알루미늄이다.


Invented in 2013, The Saxinet is the only instrument of it’s kind. It plays with a wonderful rich tone using the same basic fingering as the saxophone and recorder. Its straight bore places it in the same family as the clarinet, but its alto saxophone mouthpiece and reed gives it many of the tonal and dynamic characteristics of the saxophone.

실버 129$

골드 149$

투톤 149$

Almost every other “pocket” reed instrument (whether called a clarinet, a saxophone or a chalumeau) is designed to behave and sound basically like the clarinet. The result is a rather tame, mute (some say “stuffy”) tone that doesn’t allow much leeway in terms of coloring, glissando, jaw vibrato and dynamics and requires a tight embouchure and a lot of blowing force.

The Saxinet is the only “pocket” reed instrument that uses an alto saxophone mouthpiece and reed, which are much easier to blow, with a more relaxed embouchure, and allow many more tone-manipulating possibilities and a volume range from pianissimo to loud and brassy. The “feel” of playing The Saxinet is much more “sax-like” than “clarinet-like”.

Sweet Georgia Brown

Swing Low, Sweet Chariot - Played on the Bb Saxinet

When the Saints Go Marching In - Played on The Saxinet

Amazing Grace - Played on the Bb Saxinet