Jeýhun bilen bahry-Hazar arasy, Çöl üstünden öser ýeli türkmeniň; Gül-gunçasy – gara gözüm garasy, Gara dagdan iner sili türkmeniň.
Hak sylamyş bardyr onuň saýasy, Çyrpynşar çölünde neri, maýasy, Reňbe-reň gül açar ýaşyl ýaýlasy, Gark bolmuş reýhana çöli türkmeniň. Al-ýaşyl bürenip çykar perisi, Kükeýip bark urar anbaryň ysy, Beg, töre, aksakal ýurduň eýesi, Küren tutar gözel ili türkmeniň. Ol merdiň ogludyr, mertdir pederi, Görogly gardaşy, serhoşdyr seri, Dagda, düzde kowsa, saýýatlar, diri Ala bilmez, ýolbars ogly türkmeniň. Köňüller, ýürekler bir bolup başlar, Tartsa ýygyn, erär topraklar-daşlar, Bir suprada taýýar kylynsa aşlar, Göteriler ol ykbaly türkmeniň. Köňül howalanar ata çykanda, Daglar lagla döner gyýa bakanda, Bal getirer, joşup derýa akanda, Bent tutdurmaz, gelse sili türkmeniň. Gapyl galmaz, döwüş güni har olmaz, Gargyşa, nazara giriftar olmaz, Bilbilden aýrylyp, solup, saralmaz, Daýym anbar saçar güli türkmeniň. Tireler gardaşdyr, urug ýarydyr, Ykballar ters gelmez hakyň nurudyr, Mertler ata çyksa, söweş sarydyr, Ýow üstüne ýörär ýoly türkmeniň. Serhoş bolup çykar, jiger daglanmaz, Daşlary syndyrar, ýoly baglanmaz, Gözüm gaýra düşmez köňül eglenmez, Magtymguly – sözlär tili türkmeniň. | In between the Amu-Darya and the Caspian sea, The wind of the Turkmen expands from the desert. The bud of a flower- the blackness of my eye From the dark mountains the flood of Turkmen camels.
The Almighty blessed this land. His shadow is present. A sandstorm in it's desert, a white camel, Color upon color of blooming flowers on the green plains, The Turkmen desert has drowned into basil.
It's beautiful woman will come out covered in green, The smell of Amber will spread, Bey, Honor, the White-bearded(elder) is the owner of the yurt, The beautiful land of the Turkmen catches the colt.
He is the son of a brave man, his father is valiant, Görogly is his brother, drunk is his head, If the hunters drive him out of the mountains and valleys, he is alive. He cannot be caught, the Turkmen son of a lion
Hearts and souls start as one, If it draws deep, the lands and rocks will melt If the food is ready on one dinner table It will raise the fate of the Turkmen
The soul lets out air when on horseback, It's mountains look like rubies at a glance, It will bring honey, when the river flows, The dam wont hold it, if the Turkmen flood comes.
It does not remain ignorant (hard to translate), If it's damnation, it's glance is not inwords, It separates from the nightingale, it does not fade, or turn yellow, My uncle shines amber of the turkmen rose.
The tribes are brothers, ethnicity is its half, Fate does not come backword, it is the light of righteousness, If the brave men come out to the father, the battle is yellow, The way of the Turkmen walks on yow.
It comes out as drunk. The liver does not grill, It will destroy the rocks, it will not block the road, My eyes do not gaze away, the soul is not delayed, Magtymguly speaks the language of the Turkmen. |